Teplá Monastery

The route leads through Vlkovice past Podhory to the Teplá Premonstratensian Monastery.

The route starts at Antoníček Spring in Úšovice. You will take the street Ke kostelu and follow the green tourist sign. Right at the beginning, we’re in for a real hike. We will reach the village of Vlkovice. We continue on route 2138 in the direction of Martinov. At the crossroads, turn left, go down the hill to the Martínek spring, turn off and follow the yellow hiking trail past the Milhostov mofets to Milhostov. We will pass through Ovesné Kladruby, Mrázov and Betlémský rzbník to the Teplá Monastery.

You can take the yellow line back to the railway station in Teplá. Here you can use the local local train to get back to Mariánské Lázně. Others can continue towards Horní Kramolín, Zádub Závišín. In Závišín, connect to the yellow tourist route and go back to Mariánské Lázně past the Krakonoš Hotel, the Boheminium Miniature Park, the Danish Game Reserve, the Panorama Hotel and up to Anglická Street.

Estimated time

3:00 hod.



Start of the journey

Palackého ul. Antoníčkův pramen, Mariánské Lázně

End of the journey

Máchova ul. Sportovní areál Viktoria, Mariánské Lázně

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