To Kladska

Ride to Kladská via Smraďoch and the village of Prameny, ending at the Bear Spring back in the valley of Mariánské Lázně.

The starting point is Třebízského Street near Lesní pramene. After climbing the steep hill around the dam, you will arrive at a rest area behind the abandoned Nimrod Guesthouse. The route through the Slavkovský les (Slavkov Forest) will take you to the gas springs of the Smraďoch nature reserve, the Farská Kyselka spring and the village of Prameny. In Prameny you can refresh yourself in the newly restored gazebo of the Gisela and Rudolf springs, which you will come across in the woods on your left on the way to Kladská. After 4.5 km you will reach the peat lake Kladská. From Kladská, the route returns to Mariánské Lázně again via forest paths, the Freedom Avenue, Balbín Spring to Mevědí Spring. From there it is about 1 km to Tyršova Street in Mariánské Lázně.

Estimated time

2:30 hod.



Start of the journey

Třebízského ul., Mariánské Lázně

End of the journey

Tyršova ul. u Městského bazénu, Mariánské lázně

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